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For a Bachelor of Science in Apothecary, there will be 14 courses taught over a 2 year period.  Each course is approx 3 credits.  A student  needs to accumulate at least 36 Credits to graduate with a BSA.  There will be short focus courses offered known as "extracurricular" [short courses] that will be 1 or 2 credits.  Potentially a student can secure more than 36 credits with extracurricular credits and would graduate with honors having at least 42 credits.  The minor will always be in Aromatherapy and Color Therapy, and certificates of distinction will be granted for these minor areas also, upon successful completion.  *Two of the 14 courses will be student projects, one performed prior to ASA, which will be 3 credits and one performed prior to BSA which will be three credits.   These will be called "Project of Hope" and "Project of Light" will consist of a new way, or method the student has done for the betterment of the public local to them.  Brief examples would be writing a grant for a non-profit for a new public service, or creating an educational model for children under the age of 18.  Overall a project that has great and favorable public impact.  Students will be assigned a mentor for each of these two courses to run their plan by and be graded.

An Associates in Apothecary can be secured at the half way stage, in one year.  This is automatically granted with satisfactory completion of the students first 18 credits.  The minor will always be in Aromatherapy and Color Therapy, and certificates of distinction will be granted for these minor areas also.  Graduations for BS and AS will be held in March of each calendar year and august of each calendar year.

Courses:  Each course will meet once a week for eight weeks, unless it is an extra curricular focus course, which will always be elective.    Students can study at their own pace and add and drop courses without penalty.

Transferability:  Most credits are not transferable to any other college or university, because there is nothing quite like our program out there.  A few may be, if we bring in Dantes testing on a universally recognized course such as psychology 101.  If at a future time we secure true recognition as an AS and BS program, it will apply retroactive to any students of A/U.  It takes a few years for A/U to submit course of studies and be approved for national recognition.

 Aromatherapy                             Session One

Early American Apothecary      Session One

Color Therapy                              Session Two

Flower Essences                         Session Two

Further curriculum will be announced at the end of this summer 2008. 


Ad lucem Ad infinitum

"Towards the Light - To Infinity Without End"

Read about Ringo a dog flown in from Katrina.  Official Bio of his owner and short Bio RSS Syndicated Feeds on the environment.  How Twitter is best used.  Deborah Dolen Books on Amazon.   Review of her books on Open Library,  Paperback Swap, Good Reads and ReviewScout.  You can also read Google Profile.    Deborah Dolen on MySpace Facebook, and Flickr.  This is our favorite blogspot.   See Deborah Dolen on YouTube and her last book written London Apothecary and book